Contribute with confidence, make an impact!

Friends for Colombia helps Colombian nonprofit organizations in a variety of different ways. Financial support is an essential component of the assistance we provide to projects and programs of our partner Colombian organizations.

Friends for Colombia is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of volunteers and our administration costs are kept to a minimum, therefore, maximizing the effect of the donations that are made. To be faithful stewards of the resources entrusted to us, we continually evaluate the needs and priorities of partner organizations to ensure that our funding distributions can have the maximum effect over the long term.

Distributions are only made to legally recognized Colombian nonprofit organizations with which we have ongoing relationships. Financial donations are closely monitored to ensure they are appropriately and efficiently utilized. We make certain that any donation that is made to Friends for Colombia, large or small, makes a significant impact.

Please consider making an ongoing or one time financial donation and help to improve the quality of life of our Colombian brothers and sisters. You will receive a receipt for your donation. Checks can be sent to:

Friends for Colombia
PO Box 4797
Pasco, WA 99302

You can also donate via credit card, debit card or bank account transfer via PayPal. To make a one time donation click on the Donate button below.