While travel is temporary,

your compassion endures

Exciting sights, relaxation, fun activities and making memories with family and friends…travel is a great part of life. Friends for Colombia provides opportunities for you to travel as well as serve and truly make a difference in the lives of others.

We partner with various Colombian nonprofit organizations working to improve the quality of life of Colombians facing poverty and extreme social challenges. Our organized trips and activities allow travelers to interact with and support the work of these nonprofits and experience the uniquely welcoming Colombian people.

The result is a win-win situation. Travelers like you offer time, talents and compassion, impacting the lives of Colombians in need. In return, you receive the blessing of serving those less fortunate, and learn more about a country and people so often misunderstood.

Traveling to Colombia, your luggage may be full of gifts and supplies to donate to needy people and you’ll be anxious to serve in a variety of ways. However, you will probably return with lighter luggage, arriving home with a fuller heart, impacted and able to share the reality of Colombia and the important work being performed by the many nonprofit foundations.

You will have travelled with purpose, making a lasting impact on the lives of others. And now you can say that you are one of the few that have experienced the real Colombia!